Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Who says sugar isn't just magic stars? Recipe 47.

Anyone fancy a butterbeer?

Welcome to movie fun month here at RoVL...
I've got a few 'coming attractions' up my sleeve that are going to make this month a really fun one. 
So, now it's a shout out to all the HP fans out there that read my blog.  This one's for you guys! :) 

Now, while I'm not a gargantuan fan of all things "Potter" (I've only seen three of the movies)  I do know a few things.   For example.  I know that Harry has a beautiful owl named Hedwig,  I know that at some point Harry gets almost killed by a spider larger than a dinosaur, I know that those Slytherin kids are up to no good and I also know that Hermoine's a cutie.  I also know that 'butterbeer' is what it is because it's: butter, creme soda, butterscotch all mixed into a fizzy drink.  
Not very vegan.

Ah but who cares?

*knocks on your head*

Um.. I have a bff jr that cares alot - just ask her.

I formally victimize  this next veganization to her (and her mom, I GUESS.  hehe).

My kitchen is about to pull off the most amazing butterbeer cupcakes this side of Hogwarts, and they'll be exclusively vegan!

But, before we get to that, you know your little veganizer history buff has to pop in some history here.   Before good ol' Harry, there is an old recipe for Tudor buttered beer from 1588 folks... would you check this out!!?

    Original Tudor Buttered Beere Recipe From 1588
    From, ‘The Good Huswifes Handmaide for the Kitchin’, published 1588
    To make Buttered Beere

    "Take three pintes of Beere, put five yolkes of Egges to it, straine them together, and set it in a pewter pot to the fyre, and put to it halfe a pound of Sugar, one penniworth of Nutmegs beaten, one penniworth of Cloves beaten, and a halfepenniworth of Ginger beaten, and when it is all in, take another pewter pot and brewe them together, and set it to the fire againe, and when it is readie to boyle, take it from the fire, and put a dish of sweet butter into it, and brewe them together out of one pot into an other."

Now, honestly, I think this sounds absolutely gross and it makes me want to gag.  But then again, I never have been a beer person, so I digress.

Let's go into the numbers.

Butterbeer Cupcakes                                         Potter's Betterbeer Cupcakes
Calories - 429                                                        287
Total Fat - 21                                                          12
Cholesterol - 77                                                       0
Sodium - 157                                                           89.5
Total Carbs - 60                                                      58
Fiber - 0.3                                                               1.5
Protein - 3.4                                                             2.8
WW Pts - 12                                                            10

Allll righty then.

So, my 'vegan victims' won't be able to test until *next* Tuesday, which is fine because that gives me some extra time this weekend to create these little lumps of sugary goodness, so sweet that it might turn Snape into a good guy.  ;)

Stay tuned - the magic happens late this weekend.

Music enjoyed while blogging:
Sheri's Shoobop on Pandora (cuz it's the most awesome station)

Current Craving:
A smile on my bug's face

Current Motivation:
A big ol' cutie surprise up my sleeve tonight.  <3

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