Monday, July 23, 2012

Ice CREAM! Recipe 45 - Greaters Black Raspberry Chip Knockoff

Sometimes I wonder who I make these treats for?  Is it really for you, gentle reader?  Or me?   I'm so very happy to share, however not many people are eager to step up to the plate (so to speak) and yell that they want to try it.  Then I get one and she's miles away!  Hmph.  There's a jar of this stuff in my girlfriend's freezer (probably un-touched) and there's another jar waiting to go into the BFF's freezer tomorrow (now I know she'll touch hers.)   Mine, I'll get to it.  I have to save some for my co-worker, Debra though.  Which is fine.

So, I learned something from this veganization.  Considering I used cashews on the last bout of ice cream I made, and I didn't here..  don't use too much vanilla.  This might have been spot on had I not used vanilla coconut creamer.  But live and learn.  It's very vanillaiey.  (I know, not a word.)

This started out very similar to how you'd make the dairy version of ice cream (and I have several times since my ex-wife bought me my ice cream maker for Christmas about 5 years ago.)  So nothing seemed foreign to me.  I wasn't soaking cashews for an exceedingly long amount of time which I was glad for.   It cooked (the longest part I might add)  and it thickened up beautifully without eggs.

While this stuff was cooking, I created my 'chips' out of mini dairy free chocolate chips, having been melted, and I poured them into tiki faced ice molds (I had nothing else!) I wanted them to be big chips  (If you've had a Greaters 'chip' ice cream you know you come up on big yummy chunks - so that's what I was trying to recreate).   So, after cooking the 'cream' I had to chill it, and freeze my tiki's.. so this became a 2 parter recipe.

Enter next day.  Myself - full of 'scrambled vegg' and toast, just having run 6 miles.  I start to churn my chilled 'cream' and upon doing that pulled out my tiki heads (cuz they were about to die)

mm, chocolate tiki heads!

I hammered those with a hammer, much like I did to the candy-canes at Christmas with the candy cane pie.  They made beautiful chunks of which after the churning process was almost finished, I threw them in and let it stir for just a few seconds more.

End result - I ate it all right out of the mixing bowl!

Haha, I'm joking, and you'd know that had you been reading from top to botttom. ;)
It was good - to me.  I'm still waiting on the other chimers to tell me what they think.   Only problem was, too much vanilla (not that vanilla is a bad thing, it just happens to overpower the fruit in this ice cream which I didn't want to do- live and learn).

It however, satisfied what I wanted it to satisfy.

And for that, I'm 'Grate'ful.

Stay tuned for the 'sit in' later this week for this weekend's veganization. I don't have a ton going on, but I also don't have a ton of money.  Your veganizer needs some roof repairs. (Sigh sigh sigh).  So, we're going to have a sit-in.  Something I created earlier this summer, that's very summery in itself.

Keep it tuned.

See you soon.

Music enjoyed while cooking:
Subsonic 56k

Current Craving:
My stress tummy to stop aching

Current Motivation:
Finding a way to make quick-cash.

1 comment:

  1. There was not too much vanilla. This ice cream was perfect! We loved it.
