Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Recipe 90 - "Bacon" Ice "Cream"

Welcome back to Jumbled June.    This weekend was certainly a jumble!   I had so much going on I might have mumbled a jumble myself!

For those of you who are fans of "One Direction" (and I'm not really - but maybe I am now)..  I got to go see them in Louisville this weekend.  Completely a surprise and completely free.   Let it be known that regular folks can win sweepstakes!  My sister won four tickets to the concert and two meet and greet VIP's (which my neice and her bestie took).   We had fun..

So, what a jumble we had this weekend.  For some reason, folks think bacon is the shizz.. and while I always liked bacon as an omni, I can't say that it was the be all end all of my food life, however - I am fond of vegan bacon, so - who knows?

I am however, not all that fond of maple bacon sundaes...

 I've been making ice cream in the ice cream maker my ex wife bought me for Christmas for some-time now, and I've made it in a hoohah of different ways.. mostly which entailed cooking the ice cream cream first, then churning.  I decided to use my favorite product of ever - The Vegg, to create this weekends ice cream, and I didn't have to cook it at all.. in fact, it was the easiest 'cream' I've ever concocted!

That had to chill, and while it was chilling I was doing everything BUT chilling. 
Lawn mowed, house cleaned, laundry done, errands ran, twinkies for daddys day made...

Before I knew it, the cream had chilled it's alloted 6 hours and it was time to churn.
According to the recipe I had, they wanted me to make like 8 strips of bacon and crumble it into the ice cream at the end of churning and lightly mix.
I was still not convinced I'd like bacon IN my ice cream.. but this was what I was making so I decided that I'd sprinkle it on top AFTER the churn.

I think this was lost on me, honestly.
I had no appetite on Saturday - but I tried it anyway.   I had a couple of bites.  The ice cream was yummy, but the bacon with it - not so much.   I tend to believe the real thing probably tastes quite the same.  (The ice cream tasted no different than dairy vanilla bean).  I finally got rid of the leftovers yesterday (in the garbage) and had some virgin ice cream with cocoa on top.  Mmm..

However, there's a market out there - so, bacon/ice cream fans, - it's possible!
I doubt I'll do it again though!

Jumbled June heads to it's last days next weekend when I'll be making something I've never had the stomach to try before - but that I often watched the bff consume before she went vegan..

Stay tuned - it's a doozey!

Music enjoyed while blogging:
The growl of my tummy

Current Craving:
Chick'n n dumplins.. can it cook any slower??!  Ugh.

Current Motivation:
Being on a role.

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