Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Recipe 84 - Cheezy Lasagna Roll-ups


I'm not Italian, but one might think I was.  Two of these babies were more than enough for a meal, but do you think I stopped there?
I had three.  :P

Hey, I had to carbo-load for the leisurely walk I took up and down the streets of Downtown Cincinnati waiting for my sister to finish the Flying Pig half marathon on Sunday.  You know, cuz I burned just as many calories as she did.  Ha.

So, I started with the noodles.  Nothing fancy.  I pondered making them, but decided not to.  I went and got rice noodles from the store (isn't it cool they sell them in lasagna form?! :) )  I boiled them 'al-dente' according to the directions on the box and then started working on the cheezy type filling.. or what omni's know as 'ricotta cheese'.  Only this was vegan, and so yum!

My vegan 'ricotta' was a mix of  tofu, herbs, oils, a little vegan parm and my favorite egg sub ever, The Vegg.
It was very ricottalistic, if I do say so myself, and didn't take long at all to make, however, I did have to prepare for the roll-out and get my 'meat' sauce made, so I'm glad it was quick.

Cooking the meat sauce was no huge feat in and of itself.  I ended up buying a jar of tomato sauce and adding in my own herbs and oils there too, and then I sauteed up some 'grillers' and cooked it through to it's beautiful red color.
At this point, I was preparing for the roll-out.  I'd pulled the noodles out and put them on the foil that I would use later to cover them to bake, and then it was time to start the layers.

So, the most traumatic part of this whole thing was rolling those to perfection.  I found, that if I talked to myself about the most inane things that I thought less about how perfect of a job I did and thought more about arguing with myself.  (This is what you do when you're single and your cats are sleeping).  Before you knew it, I had 8 perfectly rolled 'roll ups' for the oven!

I was beside myself because now they had to be covered in more 'cheese' and baked for 45 minutes!   45 minutes is a long time to wait when you're already hungry!    I you-tubed some Golden Girls episodes and waited it out.  After-all, I'm sure a dim witted, Rose Nylund story would help me laugh off my wait.

And so it did.. timer rung.
Time to remove!

Yay!   And I know I say it all the time.. but my craving for real tasting lasagna was met, right here, in my kitchen.

*does a dance*

So, what's next? 
It's Meaty May..  I'm thinking something befitting of 'mom'.   As in, WWMM?
What would  Mom Make?

Deep breath..
(Smells good!)

Keep it tuned, I have all the veganmeaty goodness coming up soon!

Music enjoyed while blogging and cooking:

Current Craving:

Current Motivation:
It's so bedtime.

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