Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Well hello there, followers, lurkers, friends!   I'm glad you're here!

My name (for those of you that don't know yet) is Sheri.  I'm on a mission, if you will.    You see, for the past several years of my adult life I've been taking care of everyone but myself, until I took the bull by the horns one day and realized I didn't really know what it was that "I" wanted for me.     It didn't take me long after a few failed attempts at picking myself back up.. I searched my inner soul and got a message from the angels (don't laugh, It's true.) I quit listening to all the jibberish my heart was whining about and started thinking from my brain.. and yes - I do want to make people happy, but I have to do that by making MYSELF happy in the mean-time.

This is where this blog comes in.
I am a fairly new vegan.   (January 1, 2011) And while the vegan lifestyle is very easy for me, (save for every now and again when I dream about rock cornish hen straight out of the oven, or fried chicken dipped in mashed potatoes and gravy) I realize that it's not something that everyone would choose for themselves mostly because  (and my strict Kundalini practice has taught me this) we just don't have the willpower as human beings to consistently stick with something that might be 'good' for us.    So, to those people I want to say - YES It's hard, but it's absolutely do-able.   And I'm going to show you how!
For the next 100 weekends (give or take some weekends because obviously when I'm flirting my way around Disney World {a place you'll find I tend to vacation to a lot} I cannot cook)   I am going to take a recipe a weekend (possibly two if something needs an accompaniment) from different sources.   (I.E. - Family recipes, favorite restaurant dishes, some insane difficult looking totally carnivorous dish from a random cookbook).  This project is going to take me a little past two years to complete.. and I'm going to blog about it every step of the way.  I'm not going to give you my secrets - * just yet * but you get to see the beginning, the middle and the outcome, right here on this blog - each time I create and share my food with friends and family.

My goal?   To make a vegan cookbook out of all my 'veganized' items at some point and have it published!

Want to help?
I need guinea pigs!!!   I know that many of my dishes will be shared with my family.  And many of them will be shared with friends who raise their hand when I blog each Friday about what I'm making the next day.
See something in my blog you want to try when I'm finished?  Just holler!! I'm game!   (course, I kinda hafta know you and you kinda hafta be close - however, we can work out those details as I continue, maybe someone famous will stumble upon me and I might have to fly my not-yet world-renowned item to their place!)   Be prepared to give me a full report on what you ate, and of course a picture of you and I with the dish.   I love guinea pigs.. are you kidding?   If I attempted to consume all of every creation I'm making - you'd see double of me!  I like to share.. (after all, it's in my name!)

Some of the other things you might find me talking about in here...
My adventures at Disney World - And/Or my Disney Obsessions.
Kundalini Yoga (which is very dear to my heart)
What the heck I'm singing to, or listening to while I'm making this food.
My crazy-wonderful family
My 8 fur-kids
What 3-5-10K I'm training for when and with whom.
And various random other silly thoughts that might bust through my mind.
I'm single, and kind of in a bubble away from everyone because my heart *thinks* it needs a break (I'm not 100% sure of that though) - heck, you might call me the crazy cat girl (I don't like lady - that makes me sound old, even though I am 36)  I like girls (sorry fellas.. maybe next life)  I enjoy spending time with my friends.  I like tea.. even better I like creating my own herbal tea.   I'm also a big goofball..   I'm tough when I need to be, and super girly when time calls for it.   I have no labels.. I'm just me!

Biggest Foodie Crushes:   Nadia G (Bitchin' Kitchen) and Alton Brown (Good Eats)
Biggest Celebrity Crushes:  Ellen Degeneres, Jodie Foster and Johnny Depp
Biggest motivations:  Hungry friends who can't imagine how good veganizing something tastes.
Job:  Super Duper Web-Girl by day (no I'm not a spider) Bestest pal by night and Yummified chef on the weekends.

I'm super excited to be doing this!   I can't wait to get started.
August 20-21, 2011 is my first weekend.   I'll be making 'Blonde Brownies'  I've not decided yet where I'm pulling the extremely un-vegan recipe from, but I'll let you know on that post.
My guinea pig?  Mommy - it's her birthday 'cake' and she can't eat chocolate, it gives her a migraine.  :)

Until the weekend..  Hope to see you all checking me out and wanting my food!

Current Music: Spaceship Earth Attraction Music

Current Craving:  The Avocado next to me

Current Motivation:  Every single one of you.


  1. Mommy loves the blog already. Thanks for working on my birthday brownies :)

  2. Thank you mommy. I hope you like them, I'm finished with them. I think they're missing something. You can tell me tomorrow. xo
